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Das ist die letzte gespeicherte Seitenkopie, das Original gibt es HIER
access for agents

After you ordered your access by using the special form, we will create your steady access. We will send your agents-code in form of 3 characters and aswell your password. The datas you have sent, will be stored in your private area and afterward, you will receive an email for controlling. Now you are able to use the serviceform for the input of any necessary information.

how to find the serviceform

Go onto the mainpage go right to the function object-servicepage .

You will find a page with 3 keys above. Press the key Das Serviceformular für den Makler and you will be asked for your agents code and password:


write in both infos and press the key:

Input of an object

You now get the form/page, which you need to give in all the informations about your object. Please take care, to give in the correct infos in the keys on the right side. If somebody looks for an object with pool, the object will only be shown, if you have mentioned the info pool:yes in that keys.

What you definitively may not forget are the following infos:

  • 1. headline

  • text of object

  • location

It is very useful to write your personal referencennumber in the therefore area, because the database places own referencenumbers (your objectnumber in 3 characters followed by a continous number, starting with 457)

If you will be asked for pictures, you give in NONE if you do not have own pages with pictures of the object. If you have pictures of the object in our database (description for that follows later), the database will find them automatically.

You now send your object with the key

and your object is immediately in the database, usable for any user. Aswell , this object is immediately in your own page under your personal adress!

The form for input will be shown automatically afterwards. Now you have the chance to correct datas, using the 2.step , if you have made mistakes or you can copy your pictures, using the 3.step .

These functions are completely independent, for that, you can put in all you objects one after the other and afterwards, after all textinfos are in the database, you can input all the pictures.

See the keys above:


go back to the input-form
get the form for more infos of an object, as for example:
  • delete objects
  • copy pictures to the objects
  • change datas of objects
  • create an own page for an object, which will be overtaken of the searchengines aswell.
  • statistic of your object-datas

get the form for a general revision, you can
  • get a list of the references of the objects
  • change the personal datas of your company
  • get a contactlist of all objects, clients have asked for
  • get a complete statistic of all your objects
  • get a printable objectlist
Correction of object-datas, pictures-input

If you have made a mistake, press the key

You will come to the servicefunctions of the object. Give in your objectnumber in the area behind the mentioned agents-code and press the key.


Here you see your object, as it is shown to the user of Mallorca-Finca.
Here you can change the input-form at any time, although it contents aswell the last correcting datas of the object. You can arrange all necessary corrections and send the changed datas back to the database. All changes will be shon immediately to the user.
If an object is sold, you can delete it from the database. For your security, we will send the datas again to you and you will have to confirm the delete again. After that, the object will be deleted from the database and aswell from you personal page.
Here you can delete one ore more pictures of an object. This function is only necessary, if you have copied a wrong picture, because otherwise, when you delete an object, the pictures of this object will be deleted aswell!
If you have pictures to an existing object, you can copy them into the database, using thsi function. It works automatically, you just have to search the picture on the own harddisk and send the form (see following description).
This function shows the statistic for the chosen object. You can see
  • how often the object was listed
  • how often the objextdatas were listed
  • how often pictures or detailled pages were shown
  • how often someone choose the contactform (no guarantee, that he filled it in and sends it!!)

by using this function, you can create an own page for a special object. This page will be shown within 48 hours in all searchengines which are part of the system.


Pictures of the object

There are different kinds of pictures, you can publish with an object-


small picture The picture has to content 300/200 pixels, for other sizes can:
  • make the demonstration slowly
  • show bad quality
  • load your computer needlessly with datas
referencenumber [refnum]  
with this function you send the standardpicture to your object. If there is another picture, this one will be deleted. The standardpicture will be shown with 300/200 pixels and should have exactly this size
picture´s data

Press key for finding the picture on the own harddisk. The path will be shown in the area left of the key. Press key and the chosen picutre will be transferred automatically into the database. Depending on the size, this could last several minutes.

bigpicture There are several varies for bigpictures. All bigpictures may have any size you want, but a size more than 800/600 pixels is not useful, as the user in that case often may see just a part of a picture.

There are the following picture-possibilities

  • standard-bigpicture, if you click on the smallpicture
  • special frontpicture (own key)
  • panorama or plan (own key)t)
  • poolpicture (own key)
referencenumber= [refnum]  

free name:
with this function , you send different bigpictures to your object.The standard-bigpicture appears, when the user of the database clicks on the standardpicture of the object. Other bigpictures use own keys. The bigpicture could have any size, buth should remain wihtin 800/600 pixels.

Please chose first the kind of pictures on the left side. In most cases, a standardpicture will be sent, so this way is marked automatically. If you want to send another size, chose it and click in the circle beside it. Normally, the free pictures are not interesting. They will be used, if you want to create an exposée for a special object. They are not included in the normal contract and must be paid extra.

Press key and you can find the picutre on your own harddisk. The path will be shown left of the area beside the key.

Press key and the chosen picture will be sent automatically into the database, which may last several minutes, depending on the size of the picture.


© Copyright 2000
Mallorca-Finca .com
Mallorca's only realestate - database for agents and private owners

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